Dr. Becker is recognized by the medical and legal professions as the leading expert on hard-data performance testing and capacity evaluation. His unique combination of specializations, PhD in Human Performance and certifications in rehabilitation, disability analysis, and sports science, results in extensive research and innovation in human performance testing and devices, including the unique testing approaches used at EPI Rehab.
Former US Swimming Olympic Team Head Trainer, Dr. Becker has been featured in Sports Illustrated's 1984 Olympic Issue, Outside Magazine, and Swim Magazine. He is also the recipient of the First National Athletic Trainers Association Outstanding Research Award, Robert W. Sandell Research Award by the National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals, and was a contributor to the research group awarded the Volvo Research Award for lumbar spine research.
Dr. Becker frequently presents papers to academic and professional associations, and is recognized as an "Extremely Credible Witness" in the area of human performance testing in the US Western District Court.
Educational Accomplishments
- B.S. University of Maryland, School of Medicine
- M.S. Indiana University, Sports Medicine & Sports Sciences
- Ph.D. Indiana University, Human Performance
Appointments Held
- University of Illinois
- Indiana University
- University of Texas Health Science Center at Dallas
- United States Swimming Coaches College
Contributing Faculty - Internship Supervisor
- Central Washington University
- Western Washington University
- University of Puget Sound
Professional Achievements
- United States Swimming Olympic Team Head Trainer 1984, Los Angeles
- Featured in Sports Illustrated, 1984 Olympic issue, Outside Magazine, Swim Magazine
- Member United States Swimming Sports Medicine Society Executive Council
- Keynote Speaker, Inauguration of the Japanese Physical Culture Institute, Kagoshima Japan
- Rehabilitation consultant to professional baseball athletic trainers
- Published author in "Clinics in Sports Medicine"
- Podium Presenter at International Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Conference, 2006, 2010, 2014
- Presenter at IOC World Conference Prevention of Injury & Illnes in Sport
BEC Biomechanical® Manufacturer/Distributor of Rehabilitation Educational Materials and Instruments
- Patent and trademark holder for devices that calibrate test and measurement instruments for rehabilitation: Cali-Grip™, Cali-Pinch™
- Utilization of the Everett Pacific Industrial Rehabilitation facility as an internship site for colleges and universities in the western United States
- Patents: 5,945,590; 6,868,710
- Developer of The Swim Stroke Pull Test
- Trademark, 'HDP®', for Hard Data Protocol Performance Based Physical Capacity Evaluation Testing
- © Biomechanical Database with Descriptions
Certifications & Professional Recognitions
- American College of Sports Medicine Certified Exercise Test Provider
- Fellow American College of Forensic Examiners Institute
- Functional Capacity Evaluations and Work Hardening programs for Washington State Department of Labor & Industries
- NADEP certified provider facility
- CHCC commissioner for research and statistics
- Charter member North American Society of Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis
- U.S. District Court - Western Washington at Seattle: Recognized as "Extremely Credible Witness" in the area of Human Performance Testing
- Certified Clinical Instructor (CCI) - American Physical Therapy Association
- First National Athletic Trainers Association Outstanding Research Award
- Robert W. Sandell Award by National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals
- Volvo Research Award contributor - UTHSC-D
Invited to Submit or Present Papers
- International Biomechanics and Medicine Symposium for Swimming
- Presented The Swim Stroke Pull Test
- Olympic Scientific Meeting
- National Association of Disability Evaluating Professionals
- University of Washington School of Medicine, Occupational and Environmental Medicine Department
- Annual International Industrial Ergonomic and Safety Research Conference - Hand Biomechanics (In conjunction with The Mayo Clinic)
- Washington, Oregon, and Utah State Brain Injury Association Meetings, National Brain Injury Association Meeting
- International Olympic Committee Annual Physicians Conference, 2014 Monaco
- Australian Swim Coaches Annual Meeting, 2014
- 3rd International FCE Conference, 2016 Netherlands
Advisory Boards
- Editorial Board, The Journal of Swimming Research,
- Consultant, Swimming Technology Research
- Washington State Department of Labor and Industries FCE Stakeholders Group, 2014 - 2016 / Work Physiology Contributing Consultant
Continuing Education Seminars Certified
- Biomechanics of the Shoulder; Normal and Abnormal Function, Commission for Case Management Certification, Illinois
- Tutorial For Work Physiology, Commission for Case Management Certification, Illinois
Professional Endorsements
- "His topic on muscular imbalance is a very relevant issue" -The Chairman of the Scientifice Committee for the 2010 Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Conference, Dr. Vilas-Boas
Decisions & Orders
- "I find that Dr. Becker is a credible witness, and that his report and testimony are reliable evidence of Claimant's work limitations. I found that Dr. Becker's explanation of how he administered the PCE and what the various measurements mean, to be completely credible. I also find that he is eminently qualified as an expert in the area of physical limitations as they relate to work." Decision and Order of Judge Torkington Fredriksen v. Foss Maritime Company Case No. 2005-LHC-01997
- "Dr. Becker's lengthy report includes extensive objective findings". Decision and Order of Judge Robert S. Lasnik Ettel v. Unum Life Insurance Company of America Case No. C07-0906RSL
- "Dr. Becker is well credentialed and experienced in performing PCE's which objectively measure the ability of an injured person to perform various tasks, and document the level of disability" Judge Andrea Darvas King County Superior Court, Case 07-2-13861-7 SEA
Quotations from judicial opinions do not imply endorsement of our services by any Court, but are provided for the purpose of demonstrating the nature and extent of testimonial services provided in appropriate cases,